Sly Cooper isn’t fooling around this time, and to pull off the biggest heist of his career, he’s not only going to have to enlist the help of his friends (and some foes), but also travel through time and pick up various disguises to use their abilities. In Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time’s newest trailer, we get a look at the different abilities Sly can unlock, assuming an avatar of his ancestral line to inherit their abilities.
There’s plenty of interesting abilities to be had, from a bullet-time like freezing of time to reflecting projectiles back at enemies and controlling the direction of arrows as you fire them from a bow. Perhaps the only downside is that we’ll be seeing Sucker Punch’s opus only in 2013, when it launches on February 5th. Nonetheless, even if one can’t stop the march of time, a Thievus Raccoonus can still pull off the crime.