The Xbox 360 has had a great run even since its launch back in 2005. It has had some of the best releases ever, and while the system is notorious for having a lack of exclusive titles, it still has a solid library, with games that will always be remember as gaming generations pass by. With the likes of Mass Effect 2, Gears of War, Halo: Reach, Assassin’s Creed II and many, many others, it’s kind of hard to say which games are the best on the system.
Like we have done for the PS3 before, we will be listing out the Top 50 games of the Xbox 360 is the list below. Enjoy the list, and tell us what you think in your comments below!
50. F.E.A.R
FEAR is a solid shooter. It’s not best FPS out there, market but it really gives a mix of some fine action and pretty good horror. It only remains to be seen whether the devlopers are really making a major change to the franchise or if they will continue with the same way with the future installments. While FEAR does have a few faults that might even prove to be game-breaking sometimes, it will thrill all FPS fans with its intense action and spooky horrors.
49. Red Faction: Guerrilla
The third installment in the Red Faction franchise, Guerrilla is an awesome Third Person Shooter in its own rights. It has a weak storyline, and somewhat retarded AI, but overall, it provides for a ton of fun with excellent shooting mechanics and the degree to which we can destroy our environment. Red Faction: Guerrilla is one of those X360 games no owner of the system should miss out on.
48. Marvel vs Capcom 2
People would think that after a decade of the game’s release, Marvel vs Capcom 2 would finally loose its touch, its addictiveness, its immense replay value. But no- when Marvel vs Capcom 2 was re-released on the HD consoles a decade after its initial launch, it immediately had me hooked to itself. The gameplay was as solid as ever, the caste of characters was great, and I just couldn’t let go. I guess it is because of my love for this game that I have clocked in a thousands- no exaggeration- hours into playing it.
47. Resident Evil 5
While people often complaint about Resident Evil 5 not being a worthy addition to the series, and not living up to its awesome predecessor, and while I agree for most of the part, there’s no denying that Resident Evil 5 is, after all is said and done, a great game. Yes, it is not in the spirit of the Resident Evil franchise, and it has a lot of shortcomings, but beautiful visuals, great gameplay and amazing action make Resident Evil 5 a worthy addition to the franchise.
46. Braid
With brilliant, mind wrenching puzzles, a mature and deep narrative, some of the best, most artistic visuals in any game out there and immense amounts of fun to offer, Braid is one of those rare games that will move you on every step, every turn while playing. The game deserves each word of praise that it got, and it deserves to be purchased by all those who own an Xbox 360.
Limbo is damn good, one of the best games- not just Xbox 360 or Xbox Live games, just games in general- you will come across this year. Brilliant puzzles, awesome visuals and an atmospheric world come together to deliver a game that is so good, that all its flaws can be completely ignored in light of all the things it does right. Do yourself a favour, get this wonder of a game, and experience one of the most atmospheric, spooky yet wonderful video games ever.
44. Borderlands
Borderlands is a game that represents and offers one and just one thing to all its players- pure ****ing fun. The amount of fun one has while leveling up in Borderlands, or upgrading his weapons or gear, or blowing through stuff alone or with a friend is insurmountable. The level of quality is unmatched. And though the game has its fair share of issues, Borderlands can over come its shortcomings and turn out to be one of the most enjoyable games on the system.
43. Dead Rising
Dead Rising is a thoroughly enjoyable package that should provide plenty of replayability. There’s no way you’ll see all there is to see in one playthrough, or manage to rescue everyone, defeat all the bosses or find all the weapons. The amount of stuff one can do in this game is unbelievable. Being the Xbox 360’s first “iconic” and “memorable” game ever, and probably one of the only “next-gen” games released, Dead Rising is a must buy for everyone.
42. Pac-Man Championship Edition DX
Pac-Man Championship Edition DX is the epitome of addictiveness and of how a game can be just plain awesome. Championship Edition DX has got nigh perfect scores, sometimes even perfect, from all over the board, and really, the game deserves all the acclaim it has got. It can keep gamers hooked to itself for countless hours at end, and with so much variety and fun in store, no one would want to miss out on this game. It’s a must buy for all those with a PSN or an XBL account. Those who don’t have a PSN or an XBL account, make one and buy this game. You have to play it.
41. Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved
Holding the record for being the most downloaded game on Xbox Live, Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved, is obviously loved by one and all. While nothing more than just an upgraded version of the Geometry Wars mini-game we saw on the Xbox in Project Gotham Racing 2, Retro Evolved has still amounted to countless hours of gameplay, and has kept gamers hooked almost all throughout the globe for many, many hours. And why not? Retro Evolved is an awesome game in its own rights, and is a must-buy for all 360 owners.