Apex Legends: Hunted Trailer Showcases Vantage’s Sniping Skills, Gameplay Reveal Coming August 1st

Season 14 begins August 9th and adds Vantage as a new Legend, a Reforged Kings Canyon, a new Battle Pass, and an increased level cap.

Posted By | On 28th, Jul. 2022

Apex Legends - Vantage

Respawn Entertainment’s next season for Apex Legends is coming in August and it’s already revealed the next legend – Vantage, a survivor/sniper. The launch trailer for Season 14: Hunted is now available and offers a sneak peek at her abilities. There’s also some backstory on her reason for joining the Apex Games and camaraderie with teammates Horizon and Fuse.

While not obvious, Vantage seems capable of gaining sight of enemies, which makes it easier to snipe them from a distance. She also has a jetpack for reaching the high ground, though this seems more like a straight shot upwards compared to Valkyrie’s aerial mobility. The gameplay reveal trailer is coming on August 1st so we should get a better look at her abilities.

Apex Legends Season 14: Hunted begins on August 9th. In addition to Vantage, it also features a Reforged Kings Canyon and level cap increase in addition to a new Battle Pass. Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks.

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