Dell has unveiled its latest gaming monitor under the Alienware banner. Dubbed the AW2725Q, the new display features a 27-inch 4K panel with a refresh rate of 240 Hz. Interestingly, the smaller size of the display paired with its high resolution makes the AW2725Q one of the densest QD-OLED monitors out there, with 166 pixels per inch.
On the I/O side, the AW2725Q features an HDMI 2.1 port, an HDMI 2.0 port, a DisplayPort 1.4 port, a 3.5mm audio output jack, 3 USB-A ports and a USB-C port. The screen also features 10-bit colour depth, as well as compatibility with both AMD’s FreeSync and Nvidia’s G-Sync technologies.
Other features in the monitor include AI-based technology that will attempt to prevent objects from burning into the display alongside a graphite sheet between the layers of the display panel.
Interestingly, the AW2725Q’s design is more subdued than what the Alienware line-up is typically known for. The new monitor will look sleeker on a table, especially compared to other Alienware monitors and even desktop and laptop systems.
The Alienware AW2725Q is slated to hit stores in March 2025 and will be priced at $900.
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