The Mass Effect trilogy has often been compared to Star Trek, in fact many people have said that Mass Effect is the Star Trek of our generation. This rings true for many reasons, as the game-play, story and characters are quite unforgettable, in fact the lore of Mass Effect is quite vast and as such has garnered a lot of sci-fi fans.
Mass Effect is one of those games, that just knows how to touch on the players emotional strings, and has ways of teaching you the consequences of right and wrong, and what happens when a person of power makes a decision that affects the lives of billions. With Mass Effect 4 on the horizon, many players are wondering what they missed out on in the trilogy, for new comers this could be a start of something that they could relate to. That said, here are some of the unknown secrets of Mass Effect that you probably didn’t know.
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Note: List is in random order.
If you play the Shadow Broker DLC for Mass Effect 2, there is a reference about it in Mass Effect 3
This is one of the most hilarious references in Mass Effect 3 and a lot of Mass Effect fans are unaware of. If you manage to play the Shadow Broker DLC for Mass Effect 2, and carry over your save into Mass Effect 3, a funny scene ensues. When Shepard and his team land on Sur’Kesh, while trying to rescue Eve, a Yaag will break out of its prison and kill some Cerberus troops and escape. During the ensuing chaos Shepard will say, “There goes the next Shadow Broker” and if you have Garrus on your team, he’ll mention “Pretty sure it was muttering T’soni the whole time”. Liara of course was less than amused, but it is one of those moments which really make you laugh.