Whether you agree that this is shortest teaser ever or not, it is certainly the most intriguing as DICE showcases perhaps the very first little bit of video on Battlefield 4 which won’t actually be part of the game. In fact, in those 7 seconds, the only important thing to note is the date, March 27th 2013, which seems to hint at a full reveal.
This coincides with the scheduled dates for the upcoming Game Developers Conference, happening from March 25th to 29th but then EA had indicated before that it would showcase the game to the whole world on said date.
So what was the point of even those 7 seconds then? Search us. Perhaps to get the phrase “Prepare 4 Battle” over with the gaming audience? We’ll just have to wait till GDC 2013 to find out what’s going on with the game and if it will remain on this generation or traverse into the next or just stay on the bridge between both.