Though Platinum Games is teasing a new game for the Nintendo Switch, it apparently has other discussions going in the studio, namely for sequels like Bayonetta 3.
In conversation with Sourcegaming at the BitSummit in Japan, producer Atsushi Inaba said, “I would like to make Bayonetta 3. We’re talking within the company even now about what to do.
“But because we’re constantly talking about it, that actually makes it really hard to say. If we weren’t talking about it, we could just say something random or offhand, you know, but because we’re actually talking about it…”
Inaba also noted that pretty much anything goes on during those discussions, including ideas about changing the protagonist. Jokingly, Inaba suggests that, “Maybe there would be a male Bayonetta!”
As it stands, this doesn’t mean Bayonetta 3 is confirmed. Platinum may be spit-balling ideas but a sequel could still be a ways off. Plus, it remains to be seen whether Bayonetta 2 will come to other platforms or even to the Switch anytime soon.