Ubisoft has a laundry list of games that have been officially announced but have been delayed numerous times due to behind-the-scenes issues, but in that fairly sizeable group, no game has had a development cycle as troubled as that of Beyond Good and Evil 2. Announced all the way back in 2016, with little to no substantial updates in the many years since then and no hint of when it might come out, the long-anticipated sequel feels like it’s as good as shovelware at this point.
Ubisoft, however, remains insistent that Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still coming, and that it’s worth the wait. Recently, Ubisoft Barcelona – which is one of several support studios aiding the game’s development at lead studio Ubisoft Montpellier – took to Twitter to share a job ad for the position of senior gameplay animator. The listing itself looks like a fairly ordinary one, with not much in it that catches the eye, but the Twitter page sharing the listing boldly proclaims that Beyond Good and Evil 2 is going to be “one of the most ambitious Ubisoft projects to date.”
At this point, I’m sure people would settle for a game that, you know, actually comes out, rather than one that keeps chasing massive ambitions but never makes any real development progress. Almost a year ago, Ubisoft said that Beyond Good and Evil 2 was progressing well, but that it was still too early to talk about the game (the game had been announced over five years ago at that point).
Unsurprisingly, reports in November last year suggested that the game is still years away from launch. Earlier this year, it was claimed that it is still only in the pre-production stages of development.