‘Deception’ is perhaps all to appropriate a title… Mass Effect: Deception went on sale a week ago and has met an onslaught of criticism regarding some glaring canonical errors. A fan made document has been produced cataloguing the errors, which include “a character ‘growing up’ from being autistic, turning Mass Effect’s only gay male character straight and then killing him, and being literally impossible to reconcile with the timeline made by the games, comics and other books.”
Well, Bioware have responded to the outcry: “The teams at Del Rey and BioWare would like to extend our sincerest apologies to the Mass Effect fans for any errors and oversights made in the recent novel Mass Effect: Deception. We are currently working on a number of changes that will appear in future editions of the novel. We would like to thank all Mass Effect fans for their passion and dedication to this ever-growing world, and assure them that we are listening and taking this matter very seriously.”
Thanks to IGN for the info.