Treyarch’s Mark Lamia while talking to gaming magazine Edge, has confirmed that his upcoming First Person Shooter title, Call of Duty: Black Ops will follow the previous Call of Duty games’ footsteps as it pits the players into the shoes of different playable characters throughout the campaign.
The story is being told from the moment you put in your disc, to the end of the campaign,” he said. “You do play some different characters along the way, but it’s literally… it’s going to challenge you to figure out what’s going on. It’s so immersive, the story is so tied to everything you’re doing.”
“You won’t be saying: ‘I don’t see how the story and the gameplay are connected’, but you may be saying: ‘how do al lthe pieces fit together?'” he continued.
“You’ll need to make sense of it all – because this is black ops. We embraced everything that was going on in that era in a very big way.”
Call of Duty: Black Ops looks set to meet all the demands that players are making of it. Will it live up to its hype? We definitely think so. Check out our preview here.
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