Inti Creates’ Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon– the bonus Bloodstained game that was developed in the vein of classic style Castlevania (as opposed to the upcoming Ritual of the Night, which will be more like Symphony of the Night)- has been downloaded over 100,000 times already, the developer revealed on Twitter recently.
This is excellent news, because it came out on May 24- so just two weeks ago- and had a botched launch. Many backers flat out did not receive their codes, and the 3DS version was not launched in Europe, while the Xbox One version was not launched at all (both versions should be available worldwide by now).
Other good news- the Switch version led downloads overwhelmingly, with 56% of all downloads coming from the Switch (the game is currently on the top of the eShop’s Bestsellers chart as well). Yes, the game was downloaded more on the Switch than it was on every other system put together. Steam was second place, with 19% of the downloads, with PS4 coming in third with 17% of the downloads. 3DS and Vita came in with 4% of the total downloads each.
This bodes well for the success of Ritual of the Night as well, when it does come out- and maybe this gives us an indication about what platforms it will do best on. Meanwhile, Curse of the Moon is available now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo 3DS, and PS Vita.
【御礼】『Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon』 が発売日から1週間で全ハード累計100,000ダウンロードを達成致!記念にイラストレーター/キャラデザイナーのYuji Natsumeが御礼イラストを描きましたのでご覧ください\(^o^)/応援して頂きました皆様に心から御礼申し上げます。 #CotM #CurseOfTheMoon
— INTI CREATES Official (@GunvoltOfficial) June 6, 2018
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon has surpassed 100,000 downloads! To celebrate this first milestone, Curse of the Moon lead artist Yuji Natsume whipped up this gorgeous illustration of Bloodstained series heroine Miriam to celebrate! Thank you all for your kindness & support! <3
— INTI CREATES (@IntiCreatesEN) June 6, 2018