Is there more to Crackdown 3's multiplayer than meets the eye? And will it be enough?
Games, Games and more Games at Gamescom.
With Sony's absence and its 2015 calender already filled up, Microsoft has a unique opportunity at Gamescom.
Is the thrill in the reward or in the hunt? Does it have to be there?
Rocksteady's latest tries several new things, even if they don't make for the typical "Arkham" experience.
Spoiler alert: It's still amazing.
Did Microsoft drop some bombs?
Can Microsoft catch up to Sony's PS4 sales with a stellar E3 presentation?
GamingBolt's Andy Brice on why State of Decay deserves a second look on the Xbox One.
You don't need always need new content to have fun in your favourite game.
Black Ops 3 looks sweet but can looks be deceiving?
Analysing Final Fantasy 15's combat mechanics and their inherent difficulty compared to Kingdom Hearts.
DICE has plenty of other problems outside in-game and in-engine visual differences.
Join us as we discuss the trials of novel multiplayer concepts and Rainbow Six: Siege.
What will become of the survival horror thanks to Konami's restructuring?
Graphics aren't everything on current gen, even if the hype says otherwise.
How did Halo The Master Chief Collection die? And who's responsible?
Mass Effect 4 has an enormous opportunity to succeed where Destiny faltered.
IO Interactive has its task cut out for it but what can the next Hitman offer in either open world mechanics or stealth?
It's not about where Valve's been but where it could possibly be going with its living room PC approach.