Archive For Editorials Category

Why The PS4 and Xbox One Console Generation Has Brought Nothing New To Game Design

Why The PS4 and Xbox One Console Generation Has Brought Nothing New To Game Design

GamingBolt's Shubhankar Parijat argues that this gen has been nothing but mechanical iteration over the previous one and how Nintendo's NX could possibly make a difference.

Watch Dogs 2: The One Most Important Feature

Watch Dogs 2: The One Most Important Feature

What does one want from the sequel? What should one really expect?

Microsoft’s Upgradeable Xbox Plan May Indicate The End of Console Generations

Microsoft’s Upgradeable Xbox Plan May Indicate The End of Console Generations

Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft may be looking at moving away from traditional console generations.

Life is Strange: Begin Again in Season Two

Life is Strange: Begin Again in Season Two

New beginnings are tough in our favourite franchises. Or are they?

Destiny: Just Another Tuesday in Year Two

Destiny: Just Another Tuesday in Year Two

For all of its lows, Destiny players aren't kicking the habit just yet.

Microsoft’s Strategy of Putting Xbox One Exclusives on Windows 10 Is Counter Productive

Microsoft’s Strategy of Putting Xbox One Exclusives on Windows 10 Is Counter Productive

GamingBolt's Pramath Parijat opines that cross platform games support between Windows 10 and Xbox One will degrade the latter's value.

Mass Effect Andromeda: Redefining Story-Telling

Mass Effect Andromeda: Redefining Story-Telling

The time is ripe for Bioware to try something different

Deus Ex Mankind Divided: Reconquering the FPS/RPG Genre

Deus Ex Mankind Divided: Reconquering the FPS/RPG Genre

Can Mankind Divided rekindle the best facets of the genre?

PS4 vs Xbox One: Who Won 2015?

PS4 vs Xbox One: Who Won 2015?

Sony and Microsoft traded blows this year, but only one came out on top. Who was it? Find out inside.

Fallout 4 DLC: New Content and Accepting the Lack of Infinite Replay Value

Fallout 4 DLC: New Content and Accepting the Lack of Infinite Replay Value

Bethesda's first DLC for Fallout 4 may not entertain us endlessly but like the base game, it doesn't have to.

Industry Personality of the Year: Phil Spencer

Industry Personality of the Year: Phil Spencer

GamingBolt names its Industry Personality of the Year.

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Divides And Conquers

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Divides And Conquers

Has the move towards futuristic sci-fi warfare now moved the series too far from its roots?

Need for Speed: Rethinking A Winning Formula

Need for Speed: Rethinking A Winning Formula

The series needs an "actual reboot".

PlayStation Experience and Substituting Overt Marketing For Actual Excitement

PlayStation Experience and Substituting Overt Marketing For Actual Excitement

This year's PSX was a bloated show but is it really just a product of marketing trends?

Sony’s PlayStation Experience Keynote Was The Perfect Example of Compromising Quality For Quantity

Sony’s PlayStation Experience Keynote Was The Perfect Example of Compromising Quality For Quantity

The conference had some decent announcements but most of it was completely overshadowed by filler content.

Why IGX 2015 Is A Testament To The Growing Indian Games Industry

Why IGX 2015 Is A Testament To The Growing Indian Games Industry

IGX proves that video games have the power to bind gamers together without the need for modern marketing techniques.

Five Big Announcements To Look Forward To At The Game Awards 2015

Five Big Announcements To Look Forward To At The Game Awards 2015

GamingBolt's Pramath Parijat makes some predictions regarding the big announcements at The Game Awards.

Five Big Ways PlayStation Experience Could End The Year For Sony With A Bang

Five Big Ways PlayStation Experience Could End The Year For Sony With A Bang

We expect Sony to go big with their sophomore attempt at the PlayStation Experience.

What Mass Effect: Andromeda Can Learn From The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

What Mass Effect: Andromeda Can Learn From The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

We take a look at what one RPG megaton can learn from another.

Backwards Compatibility on Xbox One: Does It Ultimately Matter?

Backwards Compatibility on Xbox One: Does It Ultimately Matter?

Backwards compatibility is many things but is it a killer app for any console?