Archive For Editorials Category

Infinity Blade III: Why You Need To Play It

Infinity Blade III: Why You Need To Play It

It'd be a real shame to miss the third and final game in the series if you own an iDevice.

The Rise And Rise of Mobile Gaming

The Rise And Rise of Mobile Gaming

With every new year comes the promise of some truly amazing mobile graphics in a smaller package than ever before.

The Three Way Battle between Killzone: Shadow Fall, Call of Duty Ghosts and Battlefield 4

The Three Way Battle between Killzone: Shadow Fall, Call of Duty Ghosts and Battlefield 4

With three major shooters coming to consoles and PC this Fall, there's a lot to look forward to, but which one will come out on top?

Why Naughty Dog Should Not Develop ‘The Last of Us 2’ For The PS4

Why Naughty Dog Should Not Develop ‘The Last of Us 2’ For The PS4

Is it better to leave the title as a stand-alone game, or turn it into a mutli-titled franchise?

Why Developers Will Once Again Aim For Parity On PS4 And Xbox One

Why Developers Will Once Again Aim For Parity On PS4 And Xbox One

The current trend of uniformity will continue in the next generation of gaming.

Why The End of Assassin’s Creed Is Not Anywhere Near

Why The End of Assassin’s Creed Is Not Anywhere Near

With Ubisoft continuing to pump out Assassin's Creed titles every year we know it's not going to be done any time soon, but are they going to far with a great franchise?o

30 FPS Versus 60 FPS For PS4 And Xbox One: Does It Really Matter?

30 FPS Versus 60 FPS For PS4 And Xbox One: Does It Really Matter?

With the advent of next generation consoles does 30FPS vs 60FPS really matter?

Why the PS Vita TV Will Change Gaming In A Big Way

Why the PS Vita TV Will Change Gaming In A Big Way

The Vita TV is coming to Asia and while it may not end up in Europe or North America anytime soon, it brings a lot of promise to the mobile hardware market.

Grand Theft Auto 5 Review: Will It Be The Highest Rated Game of This Generation?

Grand Theft Auto 5 Review: Will It Be The Highest Rated Game of This Generation?

Answer to a rhetorical question: Does it matter?

Metal Gear Solid 5: Let it be Quiet Everywhere

Metal Gear Solid 5: Let it be Quiet Everywhere

The lone woman stands alone, with nothing left, on a pedestal and being judged by the world. Sound familiar?

Xbox One Vs. PS4: Sony Coasting Along As Microsoft Fights Back

Xbox One Vs. PS4: Sony Coasting Along As Microsoft Fights Back

With Gamescom over, we take a look where Microsoft and Sony stand with their respective next generation consoles.

The Order 1886: PS4 Owners Will Have Something Really Beautiful To Look Forward To

The Order 1886: PS4 Owners Will Have Something Really Beautiful To Look Forward To

The Order: 1886 is using some amazing technology, coupled with a wonderfully fresh idea.

The Intricate Situation of Used Games And Gamestop

The Intricate Situation of Used Games And Gamestop

In a billion dollar a year industry, are used games really hurting our developers?

Grand Theft Auto Online: Offline Progress for Characters Accidentally Revealed?

Grand Theft Auto Online: Offline Progress for Characters Accidentally Revealed?

Will your online characters be able to gain experience while your logged out?

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII – Warning! Your Protagonist is Sexy!
Xbox One: The One Feature That Nobody Seems To Be Talking About

Xbox One: The One Feature That Nobody Seems To Be Talking About

Why the amount of RAM devoted to game development doesn't quite matter for Xbox One.

Why The Gaming Industry Needs More Geniuses Like Mark Cerny

Why The Gaming Industry Needs More Geniuses Like Mark Cerny

It's rare to find someone that not only enjoys what they do but lives for it.

8 PS4 Features That Sony Still Need To Clarify

8 PS4 Features That Sony Still Need To Clarify

Worst-case scenario is that we will just find out on release.

Red Dead 3: How Grand Theft Auto 5 Will Affect The Next Wild West Adventure

Red Dead 3: How Grand Theft Auto 5 Will Affect The Next Wild West Adventure

What a new Red Dead title could possibly learn from GTA 5

Xbox One’s Reputation System: Where Trolls Fear to Tread?

Xbox One’s Reputation System: Where Trolls Fear to Tread?

Will Microsoft's war against the trolls succeed in the next generation?