2015 was a pretty solid year for remasters.
Microsoft hyped up this year’s list of Xbox One exclusives to be the greatest in its history and it certainly didn’t disappoint.
Here's a list of some hidden and not so hidden cool stuff in Kojima's final Metal Gear game.
The best game on the world's favorite and most owned platform.
Not all games receive the recognition they deserve,
A studio is only as good as the games it makes.
2015 was quite a year for bleeding edge technology.
The PS4 had a slow year as far as first party games are concerned but there were still plenty of great games on the platform.
Not every game released in 2015 was a winner.
2015 was a wild ride as far as controversies go.
Some games are just plain bad despite the best intentions.
Not all games receive the recognition they deserve.
Indie games hit some amazingly high points during 2015 but which game stood out?
Our pick among those games which excelled on every platform they were released on.
The things that go bump in the night are child's play compared to the locations that house them.
These gameplay mechanics ruined the experience for many players in 2015.
Intriguing gameplay mechanics that took fun to an all together different level.
We have listed the fifteen things we feel Persona 5 needs to improve on and/or introduce if it is to do the impossible and topple even the masterpiece that was Persona 4.
Which game in 2015 provided the best co-op experience?
2015 was quite a year for quality expansion packs and DLC.