Matt Makes Games’ Celeste released in January 2018 and was a venerable hit, selling over 500,000 copies that year and amassing tons of acclaim. A free DLC chapter is in the works as well, and will contain new items and mechanics. It will also have a story, something which the development team wasn’t originally planning to do.
In a recent tweet, director Matt Thorson said, “We’re finishing up the script for #Celeste Chapter 9 this week and next! We originally weren’t planning to do any story but… then we did.” This would offer some explanation as to why the DLC, titled “Farewell“, hasn’t been dated yet. Thorson did assure fans that development was in the “home stretch” back in April, and this latest update seems to indicate that significant progress is being made.
Celeste is currently available for Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PS4 and PC. You can read GamingBolt’s official review here to learn more about the game. There hasn’t been too much information about the DLC, aside from it being one continuous chapter, but stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks. Maybe we’ll get a proper trailer reveal around E3 2019?