Allying With Arasaka Factions
Following the Fourth Corporate War, Arasaka saw the rise of three factions – Kiji, led by Hanako who in line with her grandfather’s plans; Hato, led by the aforementioned Michiko with her own agenda; and Taka, led by Yorinobu who rebelled against Saburo at one point. While Taka could be yet another element working to bring down Arasaka (though it’s implied that he’s doing so from the inside as part of the company), Hanako could be the default Corpo allegiance option for V (and lead to the morally “bad” ending). Michiko could have her own plans and simply end up manipulating V but that still opens up the possibility of taking over Arasaka for one’s self. Given that you can’t ally with Night City’s gangs, it would be interesting to see how working with Arasaka’s factions will pan out.
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