In the world of Cyberpunk 2077, gangs are going to be as crucial a cog in the machine as the evil and corrupt corporations that run Night City, and CD Projekt RED have spent a lot of time talking about them over the past few months. Recently, in a tweet via the game’s official page, they shined the spotlight on one gang in particular.
6th Street was initially a corporation that was founded by veterans of he 4th Corporate War, with the “helplessness” of Night City’s police and their general inability to do their jobs being the primary reason for the organization’s emergence. Their goal – at least in the beginning – was to “serve and protect the community of Vista del Rey,” one of the districts of Night City. However, with time, the organization has become more of a gang as it has slowly gotten more corrupt, and their actions have become “questionable and self-serving.” Doubtless, they’re going to be an interesting part of the game’s narrative.
Cyberpunk 2077 is due out for the PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia on September 17, while next-gen versions will come at a later date. Despite all the concerns regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, CD Projekt RED are confident of hitting that release date, and the game has even been reviewed and rated by many rating boards around the world. CDPR have also suggested that the game’s DLC plans will be revealed a few months before its launch.
Founded by veterans of the 4th Corporate War tired of the helplessness of the NCPD, 6th Street was meant to serve and protect the community of Vista del Rey. Today their interpretation of the law and “bringing justice to the city” is questionable and self-serving. #Cyberpunk2077
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) April 10, 2020