A new little teaser for the upcoming SyFy show Defiance has been released by Namco Bandai, and honestly it looks really really good up till the point where the Spiderants (that’s Borderlands 2 for you) pop out of the ground.
But forget about that: In a new twist, developer Trion Worlds has signed a new agreement with publisher Namco Bandai for the European distribution of the MMO action shooter tie-in that is the game.
Similar to what happened with Konami and Nintendo for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate, Namco Bandai will be distributing Defiance in Europe, the Middle-East, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 when it finally releases in April 2013.
This is significant, given how Trion Worlds will be publishing the game in North America for all three platforms. Will it rise above its typical post-apocalyptic sci-fi trappings? Time – and a merciful audience – will tell.