With the positive feedback surrounding Destiny 2: Into the Light ahead of its arrival on April 9th, it seemed a given that Bungie would screw something up. Sure enough, when revealing the BRAVE weapons available with Onslaught, it announced that six would be available at launch. The remainder would unlock each week till May 21st.
Given its history of time-gating and drip-feeding content, the decision attracted backlash from players. Fortunately, Bungie has backtracked on the same. Sort of. Instead of May 21st, the remaining six weapons will be available by April 30th.
“We still think it’s important to have fresh rewards to look forward to in the first few weeks, and we want to pack the first half of Destiny 2: Into the Light before introducing more playable content in the second half.” Player retention rates are likely the reason, and though three new Crucible maps are coming in May, one has to wonder if Into the Light will be enough to sustain players past April.
Two classic Exotic missions and a new PvE challenge called Pantheon are also coming, with more details in the next livestream on April 2nd. Stay tuned in the meantime.
We’ve got updates on the rollout for the BRAVE arsenal starting April 9, plus some important callouts to highlight just how much loot you’ll be swimming in during Destiny 2: Into the Light.
— Destiny 2 Team (@Destiny2Team) March 29, 2024
First up: we’ve seen the feedback on releasing an additional weapon each week after the first six drop on April 9, and we’re condensing the schedule to release everything by April 30th, rather than May 21st.
— Destiny 2 Team (@Destiny2Team) March 29, 2024
We still think it's important to have fresh rewards to look forward to in the first few weeks, and we want to pack the first half of Destiny 2: Into the Light before we introduce more playable content in the second half.
— Destiny 2 Team (@Destiny2Team) March 29, 2024