Disgaea 5 Complete was announced to be coming to PC, but then saw a delay with no specific new release date shared. The good news is, we now have one, and it’s not that far off. NIS America announced today that the PC port of Disgaea 5 Complete will be coming to PC later this month, on October 22 to be specific.
It won’t be full priced either, available at $40, though you can pre-order it right now for $30 (it will be available at that price until October 29, in fact). A demo of the game will also be made available to users with an Alienware Arena account—you can create one, then claim a key on the official site for yourself. As is the case with Disgaea demos, the progress will end up carrying over into the final game.
If you don’t want to wait till October 22, the good news is Disgaea 5 is available right now on PS4, while Disgaea 5 Complete is available on Nintendo Switch.