For those who are still annoyed about DmC: Devil May Cry – you know, despite the positive reviews and impressions and sales – well, go somewhere else. But for those who liked the game and are interested to learn about what happens to Vergil, the upcoming DLC pack Vergil’s Downfall just might be worth a look.
As the name suggests, you’ll be playing as Vergil. And while Dante had an entirely new system to rely on, Vergil’s moves are more or less what we’ve come to expect from the series from projectiles to teleporting and infamous quick strikes of the Yamato.
To top it off, Ninja Theory has provided a new set of enemies and bosses to wallop and mercilessly slay, just for this release.
Vergil’s Downfall is currently slated to arrive on the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of DmC: Devil May Cry for 720 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live and $7.99 on Playstation Network.
Source: Siliconera