You can tell something is truly timeless when it can be revisited time and time again without getting too worn out and old. Such is the case with the legendary Dragon Ball Z. We’ve revisited that classic saga so much in video games alone, you’d think people would want to replay just about anything else. But as Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot shows, that isn’t the case; not at all.
Via the official EU Bandai Namco Twitter account, they announced the RPG has now surpassed two million units sold worldwide. This makes it one of the fastest-selling titles we’ve ever seen in the franchise’s video game history. Just goes to show that some things you never get tired of going back to.
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is available now for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, with a possible time-traveling update coming some time this month. You can also get your Dragon Ball fix with FighterZ, which continues to get support, which you can read about through here.