The biggest gaming convention of the year known as E3 is almost here, which means more info about the event will be leaking its way to the internet. We will keep you posted on all that here on GamingBolt and once the event begins, you can be sure that we will be there feeding you all the good stuff live as it happens.
We were very excited to be attending the Portal 2 Special Event that was supposed to be held on Monday, June 14th. The event was canceled via strange encrypted e-mail in very much the Portal style. However the event is now being called a “surprise” event, which knowing Valve, will most likely not disappoint.

Portal 2
Bethesda has released their line up for E3 which is not too surprising if you have been following the developers progress. We will get our hands on some playtime with the new co-op RPG Brink as well as the highly anticipated Fallout: New Vegas. Bethesda will also be showing off a special presentation of RAGE from id Software.

Keep it here for more E3 info and coverage that you demand. E3 2010 will begin on June 15th and end on June 17th.