Elden Ring – Patch v.1.07 Adds Separate Damage Scaling to PvP

Balance changes to weapons, Skills, Spells and Incantations will no longer affect single-player or co-op balance going forward.

Posted By | On 13th, Oct. 2022

elden ring

FromSoftware has released a new patch for Elden Ring, one of its most important yet. It adds separate scaling for all weapons, Skills, Spells and Incantations in PvP. Any balance changes made for the sake of PvP won’t affect co-op or single-player.

Some new PvP-exclusive balance changes include increased stamina attack power for all attacks (not including long-ranged weapons) against foes that guard. Poise damage for every weapon’s normal attack has also been improved, though Skills and long-ranged weapons don’t apply. Incantations like Dragonfire, Glintstone Breath, Dragonice, Rotten Breath, and Unendurable Frenzy have all had their power decreased.

Ashes of War have also seen their overall power lowered (with some exceptions). For general balance adjustments for PvE and PvP, poise damage with two-handed normal attacks has been increased. The speed of some Colossal Weapon attacks is faster and recovery time decreased (though this doesn’t apply to jump attacks, dual-wielded attacks, and mounted attacks). Check out some of the patch notes below for more details.

ELDEN RING: Patch Notes 1.07

Additional features

Added separate damage scaling for PvP.

  • This feature allows separate damage scaling for Weapons, Skills, Spells, and Incantations when playing against other players.
  • In the future, this feature may be used to balance weapons, Art, Spell, and Incantation in invading/PvP mode.
  • Balance adjustments made within this feature will not impact single-player and cooperative play.

PvP Exclusive balance adjustments

The adjustments in this section do not affect single-player or cooperative play.

  • Increased stamina attack power in PvP for all attacks against guarded foes, except for long-ranged weapons.
  • Improved poise damage in PvP for every weapon’s normal attack, except for Skills and long-ranged weapons.
  • With a few exceptions, the power of Ashes of War in PvP has been lowered across the board.
  • The power of the following incantations in PvP has been decreased: Dragonfire / Agheel’s Flame / Glintstone Breath / Smarag’s Glintstone Breath / Rotten Breath / Ekzykes’s Decay / Dragonice / Borealis’s Mist / Unendurable Frenzy

General balance adjustments

The adjustments in this section affect both PvE and PvP aspects of the game.

  • Increased poise damage when using two-handed normal attacks.
  • Increased the speed of some Colossal Sword attacks.
  • The speed and hit detection of Colossal Sword crouching and rolling attacks have been decreased.
  • Increased the speed of some Colossal Weapon attacks.
  • Decreased recovery time for Colossal Swords and Colossal Weapons, except for jump attacks, dual wielded attacks, and attacks while riding.
  • Increased poise damage of Hammers, Great Hammers and some Colossal Weapons.
  • Increased guard penetration for the following weapons: Celebrant’s Sickle / Nox Flowing Sword / Shotel / Eclipse Shotel / Vulgar Militia Shotel / Scythe / Grave Scythe / Halo Scythe / Winged Scythe
  • The poise rating of some attacks has been increased for the following weapons: Greatswords / Colossal Swords / Curved Greatswords / Greataxes / Great Hammers / Great Spears / Halberds
  • With some exceptions, poise of all armor has been increased.
  • The effects of the Greatshield Talisman and Hammer Talisman have been increased.
  • Some effects of the spell Scholar’s Shield, the Barricade Shield skill and the Shield Grease item have been adjusted as follows.
  • The effects on shields with low guard boost have been adjusted upward.
  • The effects on shields with high guard boost have been adjusted downward.
  • The guard strength of the Fingerprint Stone Shield has been decreased.
  • Decreased the status buildup done by dual wielded weapons.

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