It seems almost like a cosmic irony of some kind that the much beloved remake of Final Fantasy 7 is here, but the world feels like it’s on fire due to the current COVID-19 pandemic that has, in many ways, shuttered life completely. While so far there hasn’t been any major delays yet, it seems Final Fantasy 7 Remake may be the first victim.
Those who ordered physical copies via Amazon have been getting emails from the retailer to expect delays. Due to COVID-19, the retail giant has been prioritizing essential items, meaning that things like video games may have to take a backseat. This is also in line with earlier comments about possible shortages for the physical copy of the game. You can see the email below. No time frame is given for when to expect the title if you preordered from Amazon now, but many have noticed their delivery estimate has changed to the 14th.
The digital version of the game is still slated to come April 10th, and it also seems like the pre-load has been moved up a few days due to slowed download speeds on PSN. Those going physical may have to wait just a tad longer.