Check out the latest Final Fantasy XIII-2 trailer from the Tokyo Game Show. It’s a bit spoilerific so beware. The trailer shows some latest scenes between Serah and Noel and also features Snow and a grown up Hope. Square Enix is busy removing the trailer from the web but this one should last a while. So check it out and tell us what you feel in the comments section below.
People worried about the Lip Sync in the trailer, this is what Square had to say.
“You’ll be greeted with two trailers, one showing PlayStation 3 footage, the other showing Xbox 360 footage. Each one is cut differently and includes unique scenes from the game. The menus and the lip synching that you see in these trailers are from the Japanese version of the game, but the final European version will obviously feature fully localised menus and lip synching”. -Square Enix EU
Final Fantasy XIII-2 will release in December this year in Japan and early 2012 in the other regions.