Fortnite is a constantly evolving beast of a game, especially Battle Royale. Dusty Depot is now Dusty Divot; gravity-altering rocks are available for players to use; and challenges can range from treasure hunts to dancing. However, Fortnite encourages craziness and players have been all to happy to oblige. Let’s take a look at the 14 craziest things that Fortnite players have done thus far.
Clinging For Dear Life
Sticky Grenades or Clinger Grenades are simple – stick them to your opponents and watch them run around like hapless chickens before blowing up. However, they also allow for some rather ingenuous plays. Stick them to a teammate and rush the enemy for a kill. Better yet, if the enemy sticks you, throw an Impulse Grenade down, fly to them and deliver their grenade back. Be careful though – they can do the same to you.