Best Co-Op Title:
Talk about a tough crowd. 2013 was packed with tons of co-operative titles across multiple platforms, each offering their own seductive style of fun to go with the carnage. Whether it was a fateful return to the planet Sera for a knockdown drag-out fight with Locusts, a return to the super sneaky ways (with explosions) of Fourth Echelon, or just looting banks dressed as Presidents of past US glory, there was no end to the number of ways you could have fun with friends. Which was the best and in our opinion, worthy of being called the co-op game of the year?
– Gears of War Judgment
– Dead Rising 3
– Splinter Cell Blacklist
– Dead Space 3
– Payday 2
– Rayman Legends
Winner: Payday 2
We love the limbless wonder more than anything, but Overkill Software’s Payday 2 was just ridiculously fun. The utter pandemonium that results from trying to sneak into a store and failing, resulting in the nation’s cops swarming upon you, offers nothing but good times for all. We also appreciated the sheer length and challenge that heists had to offer along with the specialized classes and how they affected the experience. Payday 2 just goes to show that you don’t need pilotable vehicles or QTEs or in-depth characters in a heist game to have a great time.