The release date of God of War, the upcoming fourth entry in the beloved franchise on the PS4, remain the greatest enigma concerning Sony currently, and is probably the one thing that fans want to know about the most. We will hopefully get a final release date tonight, during Sony’s show- but ahead of that, it looks like YouTube Gaming may have spilled the beans mistakenly.
Each video game gets its own page on YouTube Gaming. So did God of War. On that page, its release date is, randomly, listed as November 28 for this year. This means the game is due out this Holiday season, and not March next year, as was often assumed by many.
Of course, this may just be a mistake- but I’m desperately going to hope it is not. I love God of War, and the next entry seems to be extremely exciting. I can’t wait to play it, and I hope Sony announces a release date for this year at their E3 show tonight.
[YouTube Gaming via PlayStation Lifestyle]