There comes a game that’s just once in a lifetime. Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto 5 is one such game. For two generations of consoles, the game has remained constantly at the top of the charts. There are other titles that have managed to do similar feats (such as Minecraft), but it still puts it in a very small class of titles that seem to never stop selling. And today it just hit a new milestone that’s almost unbelievable.
Take-Two Interactive reported their financial earnings for Q4 ending of March 2020. There they revealed that their never ending game has shipped over a staggering 130 million units. That’s across four consoles and PC. And that’s only units shipped as well, not accounting for the revenue that’s being pumped in on an endless basis from Grand Theft Auto Online.
It no doubts put Grand Theft Auto 5 in the leagues of the best selling games of all time. Apparently, Grand Theft Auto 6 is in development as well, though there’s conflicting reports about how far along it is. But I imagine neither Take-Two nor Rockstar are in a rush when they’re sitting on more money than God Almighty.