More playlists from the get go
The launch of Halo Reach marked a joyous evening for my compatriots and I, filled with laughter, camaraderie and copious amounts of beer. It wasn’t all peaches and sunshine though, with many playlists not being available to begin with. We had to wait many weeks before the promise of campaign matchmaking was made good of, and there was so much lag in the firefight playlists that they may as well have not existed. All has been rectified now, but Halo 4 will no doubt benefit from a smoother start.
New enemy types
It’s not that the Halo games are lacking in enemy variety, but we’ve been fighting a similar set of foes for quite some time now. The brutes, jackals, elites and grunts are all becoming a little too familiar. We need at least some new enemy types in Halo 4 if it is to compete with other games in the genre. Let’s just hope the franchise will keep us guessing for its fourth instalment.
Greater weapon variety
Generally speaking, the weapon variety has always been impressive in the Halo games. That said, this choice is only yours if you can effectively fight for the weapons that spawn on the map. When it comes to the weapons you start off with, you aren’t exactly given a choice of nightmares. You’re either on the assault rifle, battle rifle/DMR or the covenant equivalent of these weapons. Whilst these are all brilliantly balanced guns, a bit more choice in starting equipment would go a long way. This would obviously be more difficult to balance, but you’d be amazed by how well players react to a few more opportunities to add a personal touch.
Any changes you want to see made for the new Halo trilogy? Speak up in the comments below.