Publisher: Sony
Developer: Honeyslug, SCE Santa Monica Studio
Platforms: PS3, PS4, PS Vita
Genre: Puzzle
Release Date: 2014
Hohokum is an 2D adventure video game that is currently in development by English indie developers Honeyslug Games (Kahoots & Frobisher Says!) and Sony Computer Entertainment Santa Monica Studio in collaboration with the artist and designer Richard Hogg for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation vita. There is no solid relase date at this time, but the game is expected to arrive at some time in 2014.
Hohokum is a side scrolling 2D adventure video game being developed by the English indie development studio Honeyslug Games alongside the designer and artist Richard Hogg as well as Sony Computer Entertainment Santa Monica Studio. The game is designed around the premise of common and conventional video game tropes and goals being absent from the end product.
Hohokum doesn’t demand that the player advances in a story or avoid failing in tasks put upon them, it was instead designed to be a playground for the player. Richard Hogg has said, “There are goals and secrets to discover. There are even Trophies. But at its heart Hohokum is a playground, a place to wander about, perhaps even lose yourself in.”
During the games pre-production stages, members of the games development staff visited numerous museums situated throughout London which helped inspire portions of the games’ content.
Ghostly International ( an independently run American record label) will be supplying the musical score for the game, this score changes and switches between multiple layers to fit the current portion of the game as the gameplay changes it’s themeing. Given the multi Sony platform launch, the PS Vita variant of the game will make use of the portable device’s touch screens whereas the PlayStation 4 will make use of the new touch pad on their controller.
The player controls a serpent like creature called “Long Mover”. Trophy support will be coming to all 3 released version of the game.
Gameplay for Hohokum primarily takes place on a 2D plane wherein the player will take control of a long serpentine creature named the “Long Mover”. The non linear nature of the game, and the absence of scores, time limits, tutorials or end game content, the game is all about adventuring and (according to artist and developer Richard Hogg) “relaxing in a space and just enjoying the experience and the music, instead of trying to complete it to make progress”.
Controls are intentionally simplistic with two buttons controlling the speed of the Long Mover and the triggers control boosting. Changing the direction of the Long Mover on screen will cause it to change colour, with these colour changes being reflected in real-time on the DualShock 4’s lightbar. Gameplay is split into separate worlds with level specific characters, one primary goal and other secondary goals for the player to explore, these worlds however are all available from the very beginning requiring no progression on the part of the player.
Note: This wiki will be updated once we have more information about the game.