Original Features For inFamous: Second Son

Why Did Sony Abandon inFamous, and Will We Ever See it Back?

Why Did Sony Abandon inFamous, and Will We Ever See it Back?

Will Sucker Punch and Sony ever return to their beloved superhero/supervillain franchise?

How Does inFAMOUS Second Son Hold up 10 Years Later?

How Does inFAMOUS Second Son Hold up 10 Years Later?

inFAMOUS Second Son was one of PS4's best exclusives, but does it hold up a decade later?

inFamous Second Son On PS4 Pro: One of The Best Games Optimized For 1080p TV Owners

inFamous Second Son On PS4 Pro: One of The Best Games Optimized For 1080p TV Owners

Supersampled image with better performance for those who wish to play Second Son on a 1080p TV and PS4 Pro.

Best Video Game Graphics of 2014

Best Video Game Graphics of 2014

One of the most controversial years in the games industry is now coming to an end, but which game had the best graphics?

inFamous: Second Son PS4 Visual Analysis

inFamous: Second Son PS4 Visual Analysis

Seattle comes alive in Sucker Punch's PS4 visual showcase.

Why inFamous: Second Son Will Be The First Title To Show Off PS4’s True Potential

Why inFamous: Second Son Will Be The First Title To Show Off PS4’s True Potential

The third installment in the inFamous franchise promises to be a real treat and may even be the first, true next generation open world game we've seen.

15 Action Adventure Games To Look Forward To In 2014

15 Action Adventure Games To Look Forward To In 2014

2014 has some great action adventure titles coming and we can't wait for the new year to roll around.

16 Exclusive PS4 Games To Look Forward To In 2014

16 Exclusive PS4 Games To Look Forward To In 2014

There is a lot to be excited for in 2014 if you're a soon to be PS4 owner.

Is This The Dream Lineup For The PlayStation 4?

Is This The Dream Lineup For The PlayStation 4?

What we want for the PS4.