If you are playing through Kingdom Hearts 3 and are interested in unlocking everything in the game, you will definitely need two things. Lots of Munny and Synthesis Materials. In this guide we are going to take a look at how you can farm Munny and Synthese Materials, along with how you can level up quickly. So, let’s get started!
Farming Munny:
We had previously covered on how you can earn Munny but using that method you will only be able to procure a lesser amount. So, how about earning more than 10,000 munny per hour? The video here shows you how it’s done!
How To Level Up Quickly:
Just like how crafting and upgrading is important in the game, leveling up is of crucial importance if you want to take down the end bosses in Kingdom Hearts 3. The video here showcases the best locations where you can earn 45,000 XP per minute!
Farming Hungry Gems:
The video here will show you how one can farm Hungry Gems quickly. The farming spot is outside the Crystal Palace in Arendelle.
How To Farm Wellspring Crystals?
Once again, the video here will help you to farm Wellspring Crystals.
Farm Adamantite, Electrum And Orichalcum:
These three are crucial elements for some of the higher upgrades in the game. The video here will guide you on how you can farm them.
How To Farm Frost Shard – Stone – Gem – Crystal:
The video here showcases everything you need to know. The farming spot is in Arendelle wherein you need to teleport to the Frost palace.
How To Farm Farm Sinister Shard – Stone- Gem – Crystal:
The video here showcases everything you need to know. Note that these are dropped by Unversed and is only available in Monstropolis.
And Finally, The Fastest Way To Farm Every Synthesis Material:
The video here shows it all.