Iron Man 3 is due to release this weekend in North America (spoiler alert: House Party), and free to play action MMO Marvel Heroes will be damned if it can’t celebrate it. Gazillion Entertainment has announced that there will be an “Iron Man 3” Open Beta Weekend starting on May 4th at 3:00 AM BST/4:00 AM CET all the way through till May 6th at 18:00 PM BST/19:00 PM CET.
For the open beta weekend, any new players who register before the event will be able to select an avenger as their starting hero. This include Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America and Black Widow. Those who go for Iron Man will be able to select 14 different armours, collected from both the films and comics.
Interested players can head here and register to participate in the open beta. An email will be provided to those who register with download instructions on joining the beta.
As for everyone else, check out the new Villains trailer to see just what you’ll be facing in the upcoming MMO.