Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 – Venom Actor Says Only 10% of His Recorded Dialogue Was Used in the Game

Developer Insomniac Games has previously suggested it might develop a Venom spinoff based on what fans want.

Posted By | On 26th, Nov. 2023

marvel's spider-man 2

Venom being Marvel’s Spider-Man 2’s main antagonist was among the bigger reasons the game generated as much excitement in the lead-up to its launch as it did, and with the game now more than a month old, it’s fair to say that the iconic villain lived up expectations. Interestingly, however, it seems only a fraction of the voice recording that voice actor Tony Todd did for Venom made it into the final game.

The same was confirmed by Todd recently at Fan Expo San Francisco (via @Okami13_ on Twitter), where he revealed that only about 10% of all the dialogue he recorded for Venom was used in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Meanwhile, as reported by Culture Crave, Todd also revealed that a scene that he recorded voice lines for would have seen the Symbiote passing on to Miles Morales, though the idea was scrapped and removed from the game.

Developer Insomniac Games has previously suggested that it might develop a spinoff focused on Venom should there be enough demand for one amongst fans. With so much of Todd’s work as Venom apparently not having been used in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, could it perhaps be being saved for a standalone game?

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is available on PS5. Read our review of the game through here.

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