We saw Mass Effect 3 at this year’s E3 and on the basis of that we present to you ten facts that you should know about it.
Mass Effect 3 has to be one of the most anticipated upcoming games, and for good reason. We all saw just how good Mass Effect was, and how much better Mass Effect 2 was. The franchise has maintained a high level of quality, and after the spectacular Mass Effect 2, nobody will be able to resist Mass Effect 3. The features and tidbits that have been revealed about Mass Effect 3 so far sound great, and BioWare have made it clear that they’re leaving no stone unturned with the third Mass Effect installment.
In anticipation of Mass Effect 3’s release, we have gathered ten things about Mass Effect 3 that you should know, and that will, most probably, get you highly excited for the game, just in case you haven’t been following all the latest updates. Enjoy, and give us your feedback via your comments below!
Improved Combat
Major problems haters had with Mass Effect 2 were that neither was it a very good RPG, and nor did it have very good Third Person Shooter mechanics, so a lot of people thought it was stuck somewhere in between, and was stripped down in terms of both genres. With Mass Effect 3, BioWare is going all out, giving it full fledged TPS shooting and fast-paced action like never before. With additions like swat turns, barrel rolls, much brighter AI and tactical shooting where you have to flank your enemies or gas them and stuff like that, Mass Effect 3’s combat has really improved a lot, now good enough to compete against heavyweights like Gears of War and Uncharted. And with the new melee attacks and grenades, it seems even better.
More RPG Elements
Another major complaint people had about Mass Effect 2 was that BioWare had completely stripped it off its RPG elements, with no looting, very restricted character leveling and customization, no inventory management and no weapon customization. With Mass Effect 3, it seems, BioWare seems to be drawing the perfect cross between ME1 and ME2, but all the adrenaline-pumping action from ME2 (and more) and a lot of RPG elements thrown into the mix as well. For the first time in the franchise, skill trees will have multiple paths, out of which the player can only upgrade in one direction. Character customization will be more detailed, there will be a lot more things to loot, and weapon customization is making a return. Mass Effect 3 may not turn out to be the most RPG-heavy game next year, but it still has enough to sate the thirsts of RPG fanatics.
New Music Composer
Jack Wall, the music composer who worked on Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, will not be working on Mass Effect 3. Instead, Golden Globe nominated Clint Mansell, composer of some very popular sound scores, is the lead music composer for Mass Effect 3, and from the stuff we’ve heard till now, he’s doing a very good job. We haven’t listened to a lot of his compositions for Mass Effect 3 yet, but given his experience and his talent, we’re sure he will do an excellent job.