All Out War
Mass Effect 3 is all about the war between Reapers and all of the galaxy, and how everybody has to unite under one banner and survive the deadly onslaught. The setting is perfect for a blockbuster story, and perfect for scenes and sections of huge scope and epic proportions. Which means there will be husks from all species, Reaper threats everywhere, danger wherever we go… BioWare is making sure they leave no stone unturned with Mass Effect 3, and doing everything they can to make it the perfect, the most epic conclusion ever, with all loose ends from the series coming together, epic battles, emotional bonds and awe-striking set pieces- the perfect recipe for a blockbuster game, and according to BioWare, the perfect entry point for newcomers as well.
Recurring Characters and Love Triangles
Old favourties like Garrus, Liara, Mordin, Miranda, Ashley/Kaidan and many others have been confrimed as recurring characters in Mass Effect 3. Even others such as the Illusive Man will be playing huge roles. It is clear that Mass Effect 3 will feature a grand cast of characters, and it’ll be great to see our favourtie characters from previous games in the series returning and playing major roles. And when two of our love interests from previous two entries in the series come together, there obviously will be friction. BioWare has said that there will be a lot of focus on a love triangle, with both our love interests fighting to keep us to themselves, and that it will be resolved by the end of the game. It’ll be interesting to see how BioWare manages this and doesn’t screw things by making them too convoluted for their own good.
Amassing an Army
As we know, Mass Effect 3 is all about a huge war, and how Shepard has to rally the forces of the galaxy and go back to Earth to defeat the Reapers and stop them from destroying the human civilizations. Very much like in BioWare’s own Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect 3 will have us travelling to homeworlds of Turians, Quarians, Salarians and other places to gain the trust and support of the respective civilizations. Obviously, past choices in the series will affect this severely- did you side with the Salarians or the Krogan in the genophage matter? Did you destroy the heretic geth? Did you help the turians? It will all come together in the conclusions, and we can’t wait to see how.