Epic Reaper Battles
The Reapers are a very powerful civilization, and when they come out to fight, they come all guns blazing. Mass Effect 3 will see us battling against Reapers- ranging from 75 feet megatons to the 50 feet tiny ones- all throughout the game, just like in the gameplay demo we saw at EA’s E3 conference. Surely, we hope these battles aren’t as disappointing as the Reaper battle at the end of Mass Effect 2, but then again, with so many of these battles, BioWare’s bound to get some right, eh?
The Illusive Man, with the strength of the entire organization of Cerberus behind him, is after Commander Shepard’s life in Mass Effect 3 for reasons that have not yet been revealed. Throughout the game, we will not only be fighting the Reapers and their minions, we will be also fighting against Cerberus troopers and mechs and stuff who’re trying to sabotage our plans or something. It has not yet been revealed why exactly Cerberus is after us, because one choice at the end of Mass Effect 2 meant us swearing our loyalty to Cerberus definitively (well, kinda). We’re curious to see how BioWare will handle the entire Cerberus angle, and what fate the Illusive Man and his organization will finally meet.
Larger Impact of Decisions
Did you think Mass Effect 2 didn’t handle decisions from Mass Effect 1 very well, and that decisions in Mass Effect 2 had no real impact within the game itself, other than a few changes to the story? Well, BioWare is listening to you, and they’re fixing this problem comprehensively. They have promised players that choices in Mass Effect 3 will be much weightier than ever before, and that they will bear huge consequences. And they’re not just talking about the choices within the game itself- no, all the decisions you have made throughout the Mass Effect trilogy will change the way the game plays out entirely, and all loose ends will be tied up. With over 1000 variables from previous games in the series playing a role in Mass Effect 3, we’re sure BioWare cannot go wrong here.