Bioware have done an excellent job of providing the illusion of talking a lot about their upcoming, anticipated fourth entry in the Mass Effect franchise, Mass Effect Andromeda, while not really giving away anything about the game. And in some tweets that they made this past week, too, they talked about the game a fair bit- except they didn’t really tell us much of anything.
Mostly, we got to hear them talk a bit more about some of the enemy encounters in the game- except again, their tweets were very carefully worded so that we wouldn’t be able to extract any information from them, except for the fact that enemy encounters exist in the game (which… I mean, no duh).
On the other hand, they also continued teasing their new IP that they are working on, that they will hopefully finally take the wraps off of at E3 this year- it sounds like that IP is coming along well, and that Bioware are pretty happy with how it is turning out. And I mean, if they‘re happy about it… then who are we to doubt them?
Enemy ambush encounters really don't script themselves, I'll have you know. #space
— Jos (@Sjosz) May 20, 2016
It's awesome that I don't want go home to play the latest AAA blockbuster, because at work we are making one of our own 😉
— Michael Gamble (@GambleMike) May 10, 2016
After many months lurching around vague ideas…quick, promising progress on an important thing. #victory #secretIP
— Jay Watamaniuk (@JayWatamaniuk) May 19, 2016
An alarming list of important things not getting accomplished today. #victory
— Jay Watamaniuk (@JayWatamaniuk) May 22, 2016