Take this with massive grains of salt but the Mass Effect sub-Reddit was buzzing over the weekend with supposed information from the upcoming Mass Effect: Andromeda. The information came in the form of a video, which was posted by a member of the sub-Reddit’s moderating team KYCygni who further stated, “We didn’t make this up, this came from a source who claims to have played it.”
So take it for what you will – rumours, non-facts or complete and utter lies – but it’s interesting to think about all the same, especially with the lack of information regarding Mass Effect: Andromeda.
The video mentions the main character, who is referred to as “The Pathfinder”, and the game’s story revolving around humanity and numerous other races trying to find a new home. This fits somewhat into the N7 Day trailer wherein Shepard’s message talked about humanity venturing out into space and find its way. It also seems that two squadmates are known – a blonde human and a Krogan – and all your squadmates will have jetpacks for exploring the environments (it’s unknown if they play a role in combat like in the initial reveal trailer). It does seem like the Omnitool will more uses this time around, like acting as a combat shield.
Characters apparently sport more detailed models and facial features while the Frostbite engine lends to destructible cover. You’ll also have a completely different ship, possibly one that is closer to the large model seen in the N7 Day trailer, which has “Pathfinder quarters”. The ship’s navigation and travel will be different from previous Mass Effect games – instead of moving through a map of the galaxy, you’ll be able to manually fly the ship. Mako customization has been hinted at but not confirmed.
Here’s where things get very interesting. The enemies are said to be bipeds that look like a cross between the Collectors and the Vorcha. Enemies apparently drop into combat from Cerberus ships. Considering the fate of Cerberus at the end of Mass Effect 3 (besides Andromeda taking place in a whole new galaxy), it’s possible the ship is either a placeholder or a hint into something else entirely. Finally, an antagonist with armour similar to the Pathfinder but without the N7 logos was mentioned.
What are your thoughts on this information? Does it seem the least bit legitimate to you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Mass Effect: Andromeda is currently scheduled to release in Holiday 2016 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.