Mass Effect: Andromeda is one week away from release for those in North America but Bioware continues to build hype. It recently announced on Twitter that a video offering a deeper look into the multiplayer will be released later today.
Not only that but the tweet in question featured some brief snippets of multiplayer action, ranging from the different classes one can choose, the overall movement and combat and much more. It looks pretty good thus far and judging from the positive impressions at PAX East, things are more or less on track.
Since the cancellation of the closed tech test for multiplayer, many expressed concern over what that would mean for launch. Producer Mike Gamble agreed with fans’ concerns but asked them to “wait and see for yourself”.
Mass Effect: Andromeda is out on March 21st for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. What are your thoughts on the game thus far? Let us know below.
Assemble your squad. Tune in tomorrow for a deeper look at Multiplayer in Mass Effect: Andromeda.
— Mass Effect (@masseffect) March 13, 2017