There aren’t a lot of game developers and writers who can deliver emotional gut-punches the way Hideo Kojima can. Over the years, again and again, Kojima delivered moments in the Metal Gear saga that absolutely tore us apart, either with their overtly heart wrenching nature, or the dire implications they had for characters that we’d all grown to care so much about.
Obviously, there are going to be spoilers ahead.
Eva was one of the best characters in Metal Gear Solid 3, and when she returned as Big Mama in Metal Gear Solid 4 as the bike-riding badass who was giving the fight against the Patriots everything she had, she no doubt shot very close to the top of everyone’s lists of favourite characters in the series. Watching her succumb to grisly wounds and having to die in the arms of Solid Snake, her own son, was a devastating moment, and no doubt served as the lowest point, emotionally speaking, in the entire game.