Konami finally released an extended version of the Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain trailer. The game was showcased at E3 2013, and will be arriving on the PS4 and Xbox One. It will feature the return of Ocelot and also see Kiefer Sutherland voice Snake going forward.
With that in mind, the trailer itself: What the hell?
For the squeamish, it’s incredibly hard to see. And it’s safe to say that if you’re not a fan of torture or misogyny, you probably might want to turn away (and that’s not even the whole thing). Because it is a Metal Gear Solid trailer. One doesn’t simply not watch an MGS trailer. But Kojima pushes some buttons here, for sure.
As of now, we know next to nothing about The Phantom Pain except that it will possibly cover two segments of Big Boss’s life, with a prologue and epilogue. Also unicorns or something, but there will be open world gameplay and a variety of vehicles to ride in. Stay tuned for more details.