DICE’s Mirror’s Edge reboot, which tells the origins of the runner Faith O’Connor, was showcased at EA’s E3 media briefing. We still didn’t get any real gameplay footage as EA took us behind the scenes to discuss several decisions made regarding Faith’s look, her movement and the combat in the game.
Early prototype footage is shown and looks impressive enough as she easily takes down enemies with CQC tactics. The game’s open world aspects were also briefly discussed as you’re able to take different routes to reach your objective. More experienced players will be able to pull off more dangerous routes while first time players can take safer routes.
Still no release date on when Mirror’s Edge will be released but at least DICE is working on it. Mirror’s Edge is in development for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Stay tuned for more information EA’s E3 media briefing and let us know what you think in the comments.