Here is your first look at MLB 2k11 that 2k Sports is teasing us with. It’s a whole 30 seconds of footage but I suppose it’s better than nothing. MLB 2k11 will be out on March 8th, 2011 for every platform. Oh yeah one more thing.. remember last year when you had the chance to win $1 Million bucks for playing a perfect game in MLB 2K10, well it’s back again for MLB 2K11 with a few rules having been changed.
The competition’s start date has been pushed back. Last year, 23 year old Wade McGilberry won a million dollars on the first day the game was released. This year, gamers will have more time to practice with MLB 2K11 releasing March 8th and the first day of the million dollar challenge is April 1st. This will give players more time with their virtual lineups and practice time as they try to be the first person with a perfect game that can only be officially verified by recording yourself playing and sending it to 2K Games. As a 13 year old boy almost won last year but you had to be 18 to enter, this year the contest is open to all ages. The game is out on March 8th for the Playstation 3, Playstation 2, PSP, Wii, DS, PC, and Xbox 360.
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