While E3 was canceled this year in favor of about a billion different digital events, the possible leaks continue on. It seems our good friend Amazon France is at that again this year, as always about this time. They have multiple different listings from a variety of different publishers coming to Nintendo’s system.
As you can see via Nintend’Alerts below, there are several new listings for the Switch that are as of now unknown. It includes 3 games from Bethesda, 2 games from Square Enix, 2 games from WB Interactive, 2 games from Ubisoft, 1 game from Take Two Interactive, 1 game from Capcom and 4 games from Nintendo themselves. Keep in mind these are not all necessarily exclusives (outside the Nintendo listings obviously) as other unknown listings for other platforms will also pop up most likely as they often do in these situations.
Of course, take this with a grain of salt, as Amazon France has been somewhat notorious for having these kinds of listings that don’t come to be. We are in the midst of big announcements coming next month, so it’s likely that these companies will all be announcing some stuff, though, so feel free to speculate.
Amazon a listé plusieurs jeux Nintendo Switch provenant de chez Square Enix, Capcom, Bethesda, Take 2, Ubisoft, Warner, sans qu'on sache encore de quoi il s'agit (des annonces qui auraient dû être faites pendant l'E3 ?)
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► https://t.co/GjDh6eOvWZ pic.twitter.com/f4h4HF4NcC— Alert&Go (@AlertEtGo) May 28, 2020