At their GamesCon conference in Cologne, Germany, Sony recently showed off an all new Killzone 3 multiplayer, showing just how mind-bogglingly good the MP mode will be. There will be running, gunning, hi-jacking, stabbing, melee fights, jetpacks, and much, much more. Have a look at the trailer to find out for yourself.
The multiplayer, supposedly, will be an overhauled version of the KZ2 MP mode. It “offers 2 new game modes, a new matchmaking system, vehicles, Brutal Melee attacks and more ranks, abilities and rewards,” says Guerilla Game’s senior producer Steven Ter Heide.
The action in the video procided above takes place in a new map called Corinth Highway. “It is situated on the edge of Pyrrhus, the city which was nuked by Visari in an attempt to decimate the occupying ISA Forces. Now, a handful of surviving ISA and Helghast troops find themselves fighting for every square inch of remaining infrastructure in this broken city, while on the other side of the Pyrrhus River a new theater of war is already developing.
“The Corinth River level demonstrates a number of exciting multiplayer features, including Exoskeletons – the first of several player-operable vehicles in Killzone 3.”
We will keep you posted as more info comes our way.