A year ago, if you had told anybody that the next game worked on by Platinum Games and Yoko Taro- two fantastic creators, mind you, but ones who had never had a mass market hit- would be a multi-million seller, you would have been laughed out of the room. And yet, that is exactly what has happened- Square Enix confirmed today that NieR Automata, Yoko Taro’s transcendental role playing masterpiece, has now shipped over 3 million copies worldwide.
These shipments include sales from the PS4 version, as well as the PC version; the last update we had on the PC version was it approaching a million units sold, which means the other 2 million came from the PS4 version.
This is amazingly well deserved success, of course- hopefully, the game continues to sell going forward, too. Maybe Square can bring it to Xbox and Switch owners, and add another million or so units in game sales.
PlayStation®4/Steam『NieR:Automata』の世界累計出荷・ダウンロード販売本数が300万本を突破いたしました。本当に、本当にありがとうございました。 #NieR #ニーア pic.twitter.com/5mjpREUdEC
— NieR公式PRアカウント (@NieR_JPN) June 6, 2018